In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-210/16 - Holstein
Data protection
Mass media
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-463/19 - Syndicat CFTC
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-221/17 - Tjebbes
Migration and asylum
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU
Gender identity or sexual orientation
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-238/81 - CILFIT
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Art. 6 ECHR
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-511/18 - Quadrature du Net
Data protection
Consumer protection, Health law
Defective goods (consumer sale), Defective goods (tort) Right to health, Medical devices safety, Health protection in correlation with other project areas
Safeguards for access to justice: The obligation of the administration to give reasons for its decisions
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-131/12 - Google Spain
Data protection
Mass media