Search found 3 results matching the following criteria:
- (-) Remove <span class="item">Explicit reference to Art. 47, CFREU (right to an effective remedy and a fair trial)</span> filter Explicit reference to Art. 47, CFREU (right to an effective remedy and a fair trial)
- (-) Remove <span class="item">Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal</span> filter Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal
- (-) Remove <span class="item">Equivalence</span> filter Equivalence
- (-) Remove <span class="item">Right to access a court</span> filter Right to access a court
Racial or ethnic discrimination, Religious discrimination, Other
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Art. 13 ECHR
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-180/17 - Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justit
Migration and asylum
Asylum, Return
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Art. 13 ECHR
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-C-73/16 - P.
Data protection
Security, Other
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Right to a fair trial, Right to a public hearing within a reasonable time