In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-470/12 - Pohotovosť
Consumer protection
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-119/15 - Biuro
Consumer protection
Unfair terms
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-146/14 - M.
Migration and asylum
Return, Detention
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-C-362/14 - S.
Data protection
Social networks, Other
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU
Consumer protection
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Art. 6 ECHR