Search found 16 results matching the following criteria:
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Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-579/19 - Food Standards Agency
Consumer protection, Health law
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal
* United Kingdom, Inner House of the Court of Session, first division, 26 January 2021 [2021] CSIH 6
Health law
Safeguards for access to justice: Right to access a court, Right to a fair trial, Right to a public hearing within a reasonable time
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-78/98 - Preston and Others
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Art. 6 ECHR
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-363/12 - Z.
Health law, Non-discrimination
Rights of persons with disabilities
Discrimination on the basis of disability
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to a fair trial, Art. 6 ECHR
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-557/16 - Astellas
Health law
Health protection in correlation with other project areas
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Right to a fair trial
Consumer protection, Health law
Defective goods (consumer sale), Defective goods (tort)
Right to health, Medical devices safety, Health protection in correlation with other project areas
Safeguards for access to justice: The obligation of the administration to give reasons for its decisions
Racial or ethnic discrimination
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Art. 6 ECHR
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Art. 6 ECHR, Art. 13 ECHR
Consumer protection, Health law