In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-137/08 - Pénzügyi
Consumer protection
Unfair terms
Safeguards for access to justice: Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-463/19 - Syndicat CFTC
Consumer protection, Data protection
Unfair terms
Mass media
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-221/17 - Tjebbes
Migration and asylum
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-498/16 - Schrems
Data protection
In judicial dialogue with: CJEU C-557/16 - Astellas
Health law
Health protection in correlation with other project areas
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Right to access a court, Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, Right to a fair trial
Referral to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: CJEU C-229/19 - Dexia
Consumer protection
Unfair terms, Consumer credit
Safeguards for access to justice: Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal
CJEU C-180/17 - Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie
Migration and asylum
Asylum, Return
Safeguards for access to justice: Art. 47, CFREU, Art. 13 ECHR
Gender identity or sexual orientation