Workstream 1 (M1 – M16)
November 2016 - February 2018
Building teaching instruments
This Workstream aims at preparing the instruments that will be used in judicial training with special reference to cases and materials on judicial dialogue among EU and national courts on access to justice and effective protection of EU fundamental rights. Both academic and partners and schools of magistracy contribute to gather and examine relevant decisions by courts and other enforcers in the three areas of consumer protection, migration and asylum, data protection. Specifically, this Workstream is due to develop the following outputs:
- a Database where all relevant cases gathered by the Partners will be indexed and accessible by the public;
- three Casebooks examining the most relevant cases related to the application of the principles of effectiveness, proportionality, and dissuasiveness in the areas of consumer protection, migration, and data protection, one for each of the three areas of law;
- a set of Guidelines for national judges on the choice of effective procedures and remedies in each of the three areas of interest of the project;
- Guidance for trainers that will include an introduction on the methodology developed in the Project and will provide trainers with practical guidelines on the use of the materials and on the objectives and modalities of class discussion.
Workstream 2 (M6 – M18)
April 2017 – April 2018
Empowering judicial dialogue through Transnational Training Workshops (TTWs)
The second Workstream concerns the organization of four Transnational Training Workshops (TTWs), comprising plenary sessions and interactive training in small groups. Around forty applicants will be allowed to participate to each workshop, mostly among judges and to a more limited extent among other types of enforcers, such as administrative authorities or ADR bodies.
Workstream 3 (M13 – M22)
November 2017 – August 2018
Implementing the RE-Jus methodology in National Training Workshops (NTWs)
This Workstream aims at enhancing the impact and dissemination of the Project training material and methodology, making them more accessible to judges and other legal practitioners at national level and adapting the Project format to national specificities. Four National Training Workshops (NTWs) covering the three areas of consumer protection, migration, and data protection, will be organized by the University of Trento, the University of Versailles, the Polish Institute of Legal Studies, and the University of Amsterdam.
The Calendar of national events will be published in due course.
Workstream 4 (M21 – M24)
July 2018 – October 2018
Dissemination of the RE-Jus Methodology
This workstream concerns the dissemination of the Project’s methodology and training tools, enhanced by the relevant outcome of the training workshops, to a wider public. This website will represent one of the main drivers of the Project dissemination. Moreover, a final conference will be organized in Brussels, where the partners will officially present the website, its contents, and the results of the Project to representatives of judges and other legal practitioners’ representative networks and associations.