Extended deadline for submission for the Workshop in Warsaw
The deadline for submission for the Transnational Training Workshop “Towards Effective Justice in Consumer Protection”, which will be held in Warsaw on 19-20 June 2017, is now extended to 15 April.
Transnational workshops will be open to the participation of maximum 40 judges: 27 will be selected by national procedures launched by Schools of Magistracy in each of the 9 countries represented in the project consortium (there will be place for 3 judges from each country), and 13 will be selected through an international procedure launched by the Coordinating Partner (University of Trento).
We invite academic partners and schools of Magistracy participating in the project to promptly take steps to activate the appropriate procedures for the selection of judges for this workshop (three participants and three judges in a reserve list for each school). A template of the call with the relevant selection criteria was sent at the end of November.
The public call for the remaining 13 judges or other legal practitioners (e.g., officials of administrative enforcing authorities, or of alternative dispute resolution bodies) to be selected by the University of Trento has been published and it is now available at the following link: www.giurisprudenza.unitn.it/re-jus. We kindly ask you to circulate this information to ensure the widest participation possible. Please note that this call is open to applicants from any EU Member State and that priority will be given to applicants coming from those States who are not targeted by the selection procedures organized by the other Project partners.